Re: Sendmail 8.6.10: what's different?

Peter Wemm (peter@haywire.DIALix.COM)
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 20:16:42 +0800 (WST)

On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Igor V. Semenyuk wrote:
> Does anyone know if IDA sendmail is vulnerable? CERT advisory
> doesn't mention it - is it because IDA considered obsoleted or
> because it is clean?

One would be safer to assume it is vulnerable until it's proven safe...  

Eric did say "probably all sendmail's, including most vendor's version 5 
derived ones" - IDA is a version 5 sendmail derivative too.

If it was fixed in IDA first, the chances are that somebody going through 
the RCS logs would have picked this up ages ago..
